
Waiting to be born again

Ive always wondered about rebirth, reincarnation and their scientific basis. Since time immemorial, man has been struggling to find a solution to this mystery but conclusive evidence has thus far eluded him. According to Hinduism a soul reincarnates again and again on earth till it becomes perfect and reunites with it Source. During this process the soul enters into many bodies, assumes many forms and passes through many births and deaths. This concept is described in the following verse of the Bhagavad gita:
"Just as a man discards worn out clothes and puts on new clothes, the soul discards worn out bodies and wears new ones." (translated)
Buddhism offers the most satisfactory explanation of where man came from and where he is going. When we die, the mind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities and characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this life, re-establishes itself in a fertilized egg. Thus the individual grows, is re-born and develops a personality conditioned both by the mental characteristics that have been carried over and by the new environment. But the question comes then is how does the mind go from one body to another? The most logical rather close to scientific answer I ever got to this question is as follows:
Think of it being like radio waves. The radio waves, which are not made up of words and music but energy at different frequencies, are transmitted, travel through space, are attracted to and picked up by the receiver from where they are broadcast as words and music. It is the same with the mind. At death, mental energy travels through space, is attracted to and picked up by the fertilized egg. As the embryo grows, it centers itself in the brain from where it later "broadcasts" itself as the new personality.
Being a science minded guy I normally brutally reject their existence, but some recent developments in this field made me think twice about this eternal ever perplexing questions. Is rebirth possible? Are there any scientific bases for believing in rebirth?
Now, in probably the first-ever case of its kind, a Patiala-based forensic science expert has sought to scientifically prove the phenomenon of rebirth. Putting forward for debate his research in a case involving the rebirth of a child who lived in Chakkchela village of Jalandhar district in his past life and now lives in Alluna Miana village of Ludhiana district, Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan claims to prove on the basis of the comparison between the handwriting of the child in his previous and present births, the theory that rebirth is possible. His findings have been hailed at the recent National Conference of Forensic Scientists at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
A science minded person often finds it difficult to accept reincarnation because he/she had failed to perceive a reincarnation mechanism that is intelligible within the outdated Decartes' classical science frame work. But Modern Science, specifically Quantum Mechanics, has compelled us to accept unintelligible mechanisms of natural phenomena like the behaviour of electrons and we do not hesitate to accept them. Based on a Scientific paper presented at the 52nd Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, November 1996, Reincarnation can be considered to be as an accepted phenomenon.
However, I still dont believe and I guess no quantum physics will make me change my mind, until I go through my own cycle of rebirth and get a feeling how the radio energy like mind energy really reinstates into a new body.


Goofy Accountants !

I have found these following humor statements in the web:

1. A fellow walks into a hospital and sees two doctors down on their hands and knees in one of the flower beds. He goes over and says, "Can I help? Have you lost something? "
"No," says one of the doctors. "We're about to do a heart transplant on an accountant and we're looking for a suitable stone."

2. If an accountant's wife can't get to sleep, what does she say?
"Tell me about work today, dear"

3. An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor.
"Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night."
"Have you tried counting sheep?"
"That's the problem - I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it."

Well I disagree completely with the perception people have about accountants. Being an accountant I can strongly say that although we may engage ourselves in tasks which might seem boring to the mass, but thats one of the most important things every business needs to be done. And when we get hired we are actually tested on our people skills more than our academics as we have direct interaction with e-board of the client more than anyone. And we the public accountants be it in Audit or Tax, rank in the top 5 profession who are also designated party animals. However, we do work our ass off in order to be perfect and error free in every procedure we perform, and that often drags us to work even in weekends, pulling out 60 hr weeks.

So based on that, I somewhat agree on the following:

Accountants aren't boring people. They just get excited over boring things.

How do you know when an accountant's on holidays?
He doesn't wear a tie to work and comes in after 8.30.

Why do accountants get excited on Saturdays?
They can wear casual clothes to work

And this one is just funny:

An Arthur Anderson partner comes back to his office and says to his manager, "Did you get my message where I said, 'Ship the Enron documents to the Feds'?"
The manager goes white. "Oh My God! I thought you said rip the Enron documents to shreds."


Back in action

Today after a long time I played playstation. Madden 2005 challenge. I had to visit Mr. Nazmus, my dear friend and future Harvard or Columbia graduate. He bought this cool new laptop which is smaller than a playstation box in size and lighter than 4 lbs of chicken. My latop is still in the service center,and right now I dont even want it back. I myself want a new laptop. Anyways, I am back in blogspot before than I thought..may be cuz I got so bored the last few days. Had a boring Valentines day. I had to attend a statistics class that night, which pretty much drained the night out. Gotta go now. Laters !


Error 232 !!! Laptop Unavailable

This will be my last blog of the week from my laptop. Im sending it over to the HP repair center. Thank god its still within the warranty period. The fedex guy gonna come pick it up tom. The touchpad is not working after I restart my computer. So everytime I restart my computer, I got to uninstall the touchpad and reinstall. The tech support tried helping me out, but they gave up saying its a hardware issue. Anyways, I have the Fedex laptop box ready. Got it today from the kinkos, took me 20 mins to assemble it as I was folding it in the opposite side. Hopefully, Ill get back my laptop fixed within a week. adios !

A statistical follow up

Generally, workplace romances that are ongoing and going well pose few or no problems. It is when the relationship turns rocky or ends that trouble usually starts. When asked to list the most possible outcomes of workplace romance, the HR Managers interviewed by the Society for Human Resource Management mentioned the following:

* marriage (55%)
* complaints of favoritism (28%)
* claims of sexual harassment (24%)
* decreased productivity of those involved (24%) or of co-workers (11%)
* decreased morale of co-workers (16%)

And when the romance ends, HR Managers anticipate complaints of:

* retaliation (17%)
* stalking (12%)
* physical violence (5%)

*Figures represent percent of all respondentsSource: Society for Human Resource Management Workplace Romance Survey (1998)


When Love and Work Collide: Companies Should Set 'Workplace Romance' Ground Rules

I am quoting this article, Ive always thought about this. But this is the first time I found it actually published. Interesting....

AccountingWEB.com - February 08, 2005 - Workplace romance can jeopardize your career, according to CareerJournal.com, The Wall Street Journal's executive career site. The majority of human resource professionals and corporate executives agree that workplace romance is something they would avoid personally, yet their organizations typically don't have policies addressing it, reported a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and CareerJournal.com Workplace Romance survey.

In addition to the financial risk of collecting paychecks from the same source, couples who work for the same company may be the subject of office gossip, have conflicts of interest and trouble shifting gears at home, and face uncomfortable situations if there is a breakup.

"Colleagues who are dating should find out their company's policies on workplace romance so they can avoid potentially negative consequences," says Tony Lee, editor in chief and general manager of CareerJournal.com. "Although they may not lose their jobs, employees involved in office romances could be viewed as unprofessional, especially if they publicly display their affection."

Before love and work collide, CareerJournal.com advises:

* Employers should put their workplace romance policies in writing.
* Employers should advise employees of the potential pitfalls of office romance, especially sexual harassment claims.
* Supervisors should be prohibited from dating subordinates.
* Companies should discourage displays of affection in the workplace.
* Office-cooler sweethearts should understand the potential for retaliation if the relationship ends.


No huddle offence !

The winter is back in. It was really nice last couple of days with 45s and 50s. Just found ot its gonna drop 20 degrees tonite and a feet of snow is expected tomorrow. Thank god theres no school for me this week. Superbowl was great, my fav the Pats made it again. Three times in 4 yrs. And that marked the inception of a new dynasty. My frnds in Boston are real happy. Anyways, Ive to go back to my CPA prep. It'll be one hell of a year...with 4 papers to clear by august.


Superbowl !

Tonite is the nite. The long awaited superbowl nite. Unfortunately the team I support is not playing tonite. But still its an event to watch, a nite to enjoy, a time to party. Im all in for the Pats, hope they can make it. Tom Brady will bring in all his plays. Will check back in later, after the game.


Page 3 - a must see

2 dialogues towards the end of the film brings out the essence of Page 3.
"There are no permanent friends or enemies in politics and in celebrity life" and Madhavi’s final uttering "For me, the party’s over"
Overall, its an A rate movie. May be it generalized the so called high-society and the celebrity life a little, but overall the performance and the portrayal of characters is excellent. Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Kitne Ajeeb’ is a winner all the way.

Konkona Sen in Page 3
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The killer GAME of 29

Most sundays and sometimes Friday nights, this is a common picture in my apartment. We forget real life for a while and we play 29...the famous Indian Card game. We play till we drop dead. Our record is 12 hrs straight...which actually carried on to the following day. There's no money involved, but sometimes to make it more challenging and fun we put bets for lunch and dinner...the loser pays for all. There was one semester during our undergrad when we all struggled to keep up with our school performance, just because we were playing 29 almost everyday and everytime. Since then we dont play it anymore before exams. lol ! Afterall, theres is a saying in bengali.."tash, daba, pasha..tin shorbonasha"....translated: cards, chess and pasha - an ancient Indian board game, are three things which leads to disaster.

Thats sunday for us...playing 29.
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One long day !

Today was one of the most hectic days I had since last 2 semesters. Yesterday night after watching Page 3, an awesome movie, I went to sleep at 3:30am. Had to wake up at 9 in the morning to goto the department and see this professor and no wonder he gave me enough work to keep me busy till lunch. By the time I was done around 1:30 pm, it was time for my study group. I had to literally run to the cafeteria and a grab a BK chicken sandwich and join my study group. It felt like I had my mental resources unaudited and misstated. Anyways, we struggled through our Audit project for around 4 hrs and then it was time to goto class. 6:50 pm class started and we found out today its gonna be a marathon class...that means the prof gonna keep us the whole 2 and a half hours and even more if needed. I dunno how I managed to stay awake all thru the class. When I came back home it was 10:30 pm, I dunno when I slept off. I just woke up few hrs back when my roommate came back from work, he is doing overtime (cuz its the tax season). Man its midnight. And so we had dinner, and now look at me I have to study 40 pgs for my CPA class and do the HW, if I want to stick to the schedule. Well Im halfway there, its 3:00 am now, hopefully after finishing this blog, Ill have enough energy...as this is supposedly a form of refreshment and relaxation for me (I cant relax by lying down, then Ill goto sleep), to finish up the rest of my HWs. May be this is normal for lot of ppl, like my roommate who is basically working 8-11 this entire week...but not for a lazy soul like me. I need 12 hrs of peaceful sleep to get me going. laters.


Dont worry bout signing ur Credit Card

I went to do grocery shopping after a long time. Normally my roommate takes care of it. But after such a long time Ive time, and some cash in the bank to go with. After spending like 30 mins I kinda filled up my cart, and knowing Ive to carry everything myself all the way to my apartment I decided not to walk back to the ice-cream aisle. At the counter I charged with my newly received credit card. I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerk noticed I had never signed my name on the back of the credit card. She informed me that she could not complete the transaction unless the card was signed. When I asked why, she explained that it was necessary to compare the signature I had just signed on the receipt. So I signed the credit card in front of her. She carefully compared the signature to the one I had just signed on the receipt. As luck would have it, they matched. Afterall as a friend of mine recently reminded me Indians are much smarter than Americans, be it in any level, its absolutely true.
Some films attempt to showcase a series of wonderful moments and tend to go overboard. Raincoat captures just one poignant moment and tells it as simply it can, leaving you with a 'wow!'
Raincoat is really a great movie. I dunno y I was so reluctant to watch it before.

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