
The killer GAME of 29

Most sundays and sometimes Friday nights, this is a common picture in my apartment. We forget real life for a while and we play 29...the famous Indian Card game. We play till we drop dead. Our record is 12 hrs straight...which actually carried on to the following day. There's no money involved, but sometimes to make it more challenging and fun we put bets for lunch and dinner...the loser pays for all. There was one semester during our undergrad when we all struggled to keep up with our school performance, just because we were playing 29 almost everyday and everytime. Since then we dont play it anymore before exams. lol ! Afterall, theres is a saying in bengali.."tash, daba, pasha..tin shorbonasha"....translated: cards, chess and pasha - an ancient Indian board game, are three things which leads to disaster.

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