
Working for the right reasons

A new chapter. A new episode in life. Starts with hope, inspiration, muse. Colorful in the beginning, instigates the charm of foreign habitat, may be a little obscure in the beginning but not for long. Wait a minute, I think breezing through the pages of this new episode, if we may call, I am losing myself more into the froth of hectic reality everyday. One may ask so what is it - that special beginning that is taking me through a whirlwind of challenges instead of painting a peaceful and joyous journey ahead.

Friends, I am back to my blog almost after 6 months...and somethings have changed in my life. I have started working. And I hate it...except for the paycheck. Thats the only driving force. As I have already disclosed my philosophy...or so to say my ideology about the whole saga behind working for a living, and how it should be changed in an utopian world.

I recently met someone who seems confused but may be she is confused with the right reasons. Her outlook towards life is very similar to what I have, the difference being she is trying to actually go through it and I on the other side having no options act like a hypocrite. May be I can summarize her views in my words.
We have one life, dont know if its short or long. So we should enjoy every moment of it and live it to the full. Now enjoyment can be defined subjectively. To someone it can be reading books, watching movies, listening to music, have good food, travel and fun stuff like that. The point is in order to do those you need money and thats why one should work to fulfill the dreams. I totally agree with that, but on top of that I have an additional requirement and probably thats the one single factor that made my life miserable taking me far far away from the life I wanted to lead. That single factor is "recognition of success". I like most other normal people want recognition - success that is measured in the scale set by the society, not my own. That drives in ambition and career goals and drifts me apart from my own reasoning behind working...not only to afford the funstuff I want to do, but also to have more and be recognized as successful by society that is friends and family.

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