
Its a wonderful life !!

I was wondering .. why work? why do we have to work to sustain our lives. being a lazy soul I always try to find shortcuts in every thing. But everyday I realize that without work the world will stop functioning, it may still go around the sun and we will be having days and nights as before. But there will be no food soon, without manufacturing and other productions we will be in a state of stagnance, it might even be babrbaric to think about in the beginning. But no matter how impossible might it seem now, lets just think about it for a moment; the idea of a few moments in this utopian land gives a reversible pleasure which can be snatched in any second by the onslaught of reality. So as long as we are in this quiet escape from hectic solidarity, lets just our dreams, our moments of trance and the fancies from the state of abstraction 'haunt' us and take us far far away.......... far away from responsibilities, worries, pain and even worldly happiness. Imagine to be in a system where there is no obligation, no driving force to send you to work every fine morning, because you have it all. Im not trying to sound as a protestant from the group of have nots against the haves. Im not protesting against the whole system of capitalism nor that I am supporting for any egalitarian fundamentalism. But all Im trying to do here is to open our mind and free it from the worldly pleasures and take it beyond the reaches of even nirvana. When do we work, why do we work ? We dont work to make the world functioning, we dont work to make our society superior than some "yet to find" allien society. We work because that will keep us alive as ethical human beings, will satisfy our needs.

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