
Its a wonderful life !!

I was wondering .. why work? why do we have to work to sustain our lives. being a lazy soul I always try to find shortcuts in every thing. But everyday I realize that without work the world will stop functioning, it may still go around the sun and we will be having days and nights as before. But there will be no food soon, without manufacturing and other productions we will be in a state of stagnance, it might even be babrbaric to think about in the beginning. But no matter how impossible might it seem now, lets just think about it for a moment; the idea of a few moments in this utopian land gives a reversible pleasure which can be snatched in any second by the onslaught of reality. So as long as we are in this quiet escape from hectic solidarity, lets just our dreams, our moments of trance and the fancies from the state of abstraction 'haunt' us and take us far far away.......... far away from responsibilities, worries, pain and even worldly happiness. Imagine to be in a system where there is no obligation, no driving force to send you to work every fine morning, because you have it all. Im not trying to sound as a protestant from the group of have nots against the haves. Im not protesting against the whole system of capitalism nor that I am supporting for any egalitarian fundamentalism. But all Im trying to do here is to open our mind and free it from the worldly pleasures and take it beyond the reaches of even nirvana. When do we work, why do we work ? We dont work to make the world functioning, we dont work to make our society superior than some "yet to find" allien society. We work because that will keep us alive as ethical human beings, will satisfy our needs.


Treasure Hint !!

44 Queen bees follow you there
smoke on the water sounds familiar
find me under the piece of wood
that Joey and Chandler share.


A humble endeavor

Muktadhara, New York, started its journey in 1991, with intent of spreading the richness of Bangla language and culture all over the world. Every year, since 1992, Muktadhara has observed the 'Shahid Dibash' in front of United Nations by erecting temporary 'Shahid minar'. Since its inception, every year Muktadhara has been arranging 'book fair' to raise public awareness and support for getting 21st February declared as the 'International Language Day' by United Nations. In the past 14 years, Muktadhara has organized more than 100 book fairs all over the United States and Canada. Muktadhara has donated many Bangla books to 26 mainstream libraries as well as to various universities. Publications of DVD of Bangla movie, arrangement of Bangla film festival, are some of the achievements of Muktadhara, in the past decade and a half.
Muktadhara is planning to honor 10 greatest alive Bangali personalities who have made significant contributions in our socio-economic, political and cultural development. These 10 greatest alive Bangali personalities will be selected by the vote of all Bangla speaking people all over the world. These personalities will be honored by Muktadhara at a ceremony at Manhattan Center, New York, USA, on August 28, 2005.
You can also check the results, by going online at www.muktadhara.com

Also, take a few moments and think who will make it to the top 10 of your own chart. I will post mine soon. Till then, chao.

A dream week in Blaksburg,VA

Recently four of us, sourish, ishani, ziko and me went tosayak's place in virginia for a week. We, "the ponchopandob" as one may say, had an awesome time there with something new and adventourous happenning everyday. Other than sourish we dont remember waking up before 2 o clock in the afternoon,given we went to bed at around 8. Sourish the genius was the only onewho managed to wake up before us no matter how late he went to sleep.
Cooking at home - even trying out new complicated dishes from onlinerecipies, going out for long drives to beautiful scenic places(blueridge parkway, cascades etc), drinking (we drank a lot, captain was almost our soul means of survival), watching movies and off course our favorite adda comprised our eventful and nostalgic last week. We took some 600 pictures in 7 days, not to mention another ton which is still to be developed from sourish's camera. It was an amazing week and we really never wanted it to end. Now Im eagerly looking forward for one more trip like that.


PonchoPandob in Virginia
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