
A dream week in Blaksburg,VA

Recently four of us, sourish, ishani, ziko and me went tosayak's place in virginia for a week. We, "the ponchopandob" as one may say, had an awesome time there with something new and adventourous happenning everyday. Other than sourish we dont remember waking up before 2 o clock in the afternoon,given we went to bed at around 8. Sourish the genius was the only onewho managed to wake up before us no matter how late he went to sleep.
Cooking at home - even trying out new complicated dishes from onlinerecipies, going out for long drives to beautiful scenic places(blueridge parkway, cascades etc), drinking (we drank a lot, captain was almost our soul means of survival), watching movies and off course our favorite adda comprised our eventful and nostalgic last week. We took some 600 pictures in 7 days, not to mention another ton which is still to be developed from sourish's camera. It was an amazing week and we really never wanted it to end. Now Im eagerly looking forward for one more trip like that.


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