
Chess Theory : Revitalized

One can find the link between philosophy and mathematics. Mathematics can also be sometimes linked to chess theory. But what about the missing link between chess theory and philosophy.

To quote, René Alladaye in his "Petite philosophie du joueur d'échecs",
"It's difficult to imagine two activities wich call for more brain-work than chess and philosophy. Both of them demand a reflection, an exchange, a dialogue, a debate, in which each player or philosopher tries to prove that his or her theory is the right one."

In the same line, one might wonder the art of war can be perfected through the game of chess. The startegy, the mindset, the crisis and the climax.

Chess Theory is constituted by the set of all general concepts developed to understand mechanisms of the Chess Game and in fine to reach a better level playing chess.

A game of chess can however easily be viewed as the journey through life, where the defeat of the opponent will be the attainment of a desired goal in life. The complexities, the challenges, the options, the temptations, the risks and the rewards of every move in a game of chess has to be well measured and timed like many of the decisions we make in every day life with a definite broader motive in mind. This might sound a bit suffocating, it does as I am feeling it while writing, but I believe its all true. Chess theory can be a very important recipe for one's life. Mastering chess theory might just make one a happy sailor in life and a great warrior in the same time.

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