

A ray of hope. thinner than a thread.
You see it. but its gone the moment you embrace it.
Far far away, to a distant land of hope.
What is left? doomsday beckons...
Sun shines - thats a mirage. lightning, a royal signature of catastrophy.
Presence revealed. moments felt. warning be it!

I am never more ready
I am never more ready than now.
Mind morph. Blowout sale of the past and the old.
Life is new. Discounts are rare.
Absolute progression. Leading from the front.

Old, I am. I still see the wall.
Blood and hate. life at stake.
But it came down. It was brought down.
The youth. The new and the young minds.
The soldiers of eternity.

I feel it baby. But I feel Bonn.


Judgement Day

Satanic creation, an intricate layout of obscure divergence
you think you are close, close enough to perceive the romantic rhapsody
a splash, whipped back to the dismal existence
the sun shines through the rain drops, lightning reveals its presence
seduced or hypnotized; its a warning sign. perseity disenchanted.
karma.the color is black, the verdict is doom.
Moira, fate personified - cataclysm endorsed.


Height of boredom!!

Could not resist the temptation to post my recent napkin art. Napkin art: expression of boredom, relief of stress, gibberish at large and sometimes nuisance at its best. The following was created during an hour long soporific, hypnotic to be true, lecture about straddle law at 8 am in the morning.

Wish you were here

she is cute she is sweet
she has all that I need
funny and childish
and all that I miss
sometimes grumpy
and may be a little cranky
but she never lets u down
and loves you year round
I wish her to be happy,joyful and merry
and thats all I pray
boy! I miss her everyday.

dedicated to the poor soul of the 'lecturer' - aka ms.ys.


New Year Resolutions

1. Start studying for the CPA exam seriously and start passing them.
2. Learn and master the intricacies of hedge fund taxation.
3. Cut down on smoking.
4. No more casual chhok, get down to business seriously.

These are just resolutions not goals. I think I should set my goals at a much higher level and try to attain them, the minimum being the resolutions. hehe..like one of my goals should be to quit smoking. hehe...I know I should.


We should quit our jobs!!!

Sometimes I wonder am I doing the right thing? Having a top-notch corporate job, with status, benefits and high-class pseudo show-off....is that all I want. How about this hot-dog guy whose franchise payment is almost 5 times of what I make...he can buy his own benefits and what not. Sometimes, I wonder, may be it's time to think out of the box.
The scanned article was sent to me by my friend, who himself now is thinking about starting a hot-dog business.


Banalata Sen

For thousands of years I roamed the paths of this earth,
From waters round Ceylon in dead of night to Malayan seas.
Much have I wandered. I was there in the grey world of Asoka
And Bimbisara, pressed on through darkness to the city of Vidarbha.
I am a weary heart surrounded by life's frothy ocean.
To me she gave a moment's peace -- Banalata Sen from Natore.

Her hair was like an ancient darkling night in Vidisa,
Her face, the craftsmanship of Sravasti. As the helmsman,
His rudder broken, far out upon the sea adrift,
Sees the grass-green land of a cinnamon isle, just so
Through darkness I saw her. Said she, "Where have you been so long?"
And raised her bird's nest-like eyes -- Banalata Sen from Natore.

At day's end, like hush of dew
Comes evening. A hawk wipes the scent of sunlight fom its wings.
When earth's colors fade and some pale design is sketched,
Then glimmering fireflies paint in the story.
All birds come home, all rivers, all of this life's tasks finished.
Only darkness remains, as I sit there face to face with Banalata Sen.

Translated by Clinton B. Seely.

"Haans chilo sojaru".


A duck once met a porcupine ; they formed a corporation
Which called itself a Porcuduck ( a beastly conjugation ! ).
A stork to a turtle said, "Let's put my head upon your torso ;
We who are so pretty now, as Stortle would be more so !"
The lizard with the parrot's head thought : taking to the chilli
After years of eating worms is absolutely silly.
A prancing goat - one wonders why - was driven by a need
To bequeath its upper portion ta a crawling centipede.
The giraffe with grasshopper's limbs reflected : Why should I
Go for walks in grassy fields, now that I can fly ?
The nice contented cow will doubtless get a frightful shock
On finding that its lower lombs belong to a fighting cock.
It's obvious the Whalephant is not a happy notion :
The head goes for the jungle, while the tail turns to the ocean,
The lion's lack of horns distressed him greatly, so
He teamed up with a dear - now watch his antlers grow !

Translated by Satyajit Ray.


"Last Night I Dreamed I Was in Love,"

~ John Dugdale

By night, Love, tie your heart to mine, and the two
together in their sleep will defeat the darkness
like a double drum in the forest, pounding
against the thick wall of wet leaves.

Night travel: black flame of sleep
that snips the threads of the earth's grapes,
punctual as a headlong train that would haul
shadows and cold rocks, endlessly.

Because of this, Love, tie me to a purer motion,
to the constancy that beats in your chest
with the wings of a swan underwater,

so that our sleep might answer all the sky's
starry questions with a single key,
with a single door the shadows had closed.

~Pablo Neruda

Anjan Datta in Jishnu's Guitar

A physicist taking time off from string theory.


Chess Theory : Revitalized

One can find the link between philosophy and mathematics. Mathematics can also be sometimes linked to chess theory. But what about the missing link between chess theory and philosophy.

To quote, René Alladaye in his "Petite philosophie du joueur d'échecs",
"It's difficult to imagine two activities wich call for more brain-work than chess and philosophy. Both of them demand a reflection, an exchange, a dialogue, a debate, in which each player or philosopher tries to prove that his or her theory is the right one."

In the same line, one might wonder the art of war can be perfected through the game of chess. The startegy, the mindset, the crisis and the climax.

Chess Theory is constituted by the set of all general concepts developed to understand mechanisms of the Chess Game and in fine to reach a better level playing chess.

A game of chess can however easily be viewed as the journey through life, where the defeat of the opponent will be the attainment of a desired goal in life. The complexities, the challenges, the options, the temptations, the risks and the rewards of every move in a game of chess has to be well measured and timed like many of the decisions we make in every day life with a definite broader motive in mind. This might sound a bit suffocating, it does as I am feeling it while writing, but I believe its all true. Chess theory can be a very important recipe for one's life. Mastering chess theory might just make one a happy sailor in life and a great warrior in the same time.