
A Perfunctory Smile from an accountant

My typical day:

7:15 Alarm goes off - hit the snooze button. Go back to sleep.
7:24 Second alarm, wake up with heart in the mouth. Realize there is one more alarm to go. Hit the snooze. Go back to sleep.
7:35: Final alarm goes off. Hit the snooze button. Lie in bed with eyes half open, waiting for some noise from the next room.
7:40 Room mate's alarm goes off. I get up to use the bathroom.
7:50 Come out of the bathroom, roommate waiting to use the bathroom. (Although we have another bathroom upstairs, our toothbrush and shaving kit is in this one).
7:51: Get dressed
7:57: Wait for room mate to get dressed.
8:00: Leave for work with room mate.
8:45: Reach work. Smoke a cig before going up.
9:00: Get to the desk, log on the computer.
9:05: Walk to the pantry to get a coffee
9:10: Check email
9:12: Orkuting
9:20: Read the NY times, CNN, Times of India.
9:35: Open up Audit Software
9:40 - 12:30 - Stare at Excel with intermittent checking of email.
12:31 - 1:30 - Lunch (the best/worst part of the day. Best cuz its the most free time I get and also Im normally very hungry by then. Worst cuz I end up spending $10 at least).

1:35: Surf the net - check email, deals2buy.com, nfl and espn websites
1:45: Call a friend for no reason and chat
1:55: Find friends in IM and chat for fun
2:15 -3:30: Start work again. Stare at Excel with intermittent checking of email.
3:30: Go down to smoke and get Starbucks
3:40: Check email, surf some more. Finish any unfinished chatting from last time in IM.
3:50 - 5:55: Stare at Excel with intermittent checking of email.
5:55: Hopefully not much work is left. Even if its there will finish at home or tomorrow. Start packing.
6:00: Bye Bye Deloitte.
6:45: Reach Home and change into home clothes
7:00-7:30: Stare at ESPN or Seinfeld
7:30: Doorbell. Grab the gym bag and goto Gym with friends.
745-8:45: Work out
9:00: Come back home and cook dinner (if lazy get dinner on the way back from gym)
9:30: Back to bed staring at TV.
10:00: Go for a bath. Read a time magazine or "The week" before getting in the shower.
10:40: Goto Bed again and stare at the TV.
11:15: Pick up an unfinished novel and try goto sleep while reading.
12:00 Normally I am asleep.

P.S. This is a typical day, when its not busy season (i.e. Jan-March) and the client is on regular schedule, no rush.